Yes. Our Teachers are selected based on stringent criteria. They must possess Certificate in Early Childhood Education with relevant experience working with children.
The maximum of children in a class is 16. There will be a Teacher Assistant assigned in each class. Therefore, the teacher-pupil ratio is 1:8.
Yes. We observe all Kindergarten holidays except for June and December Holiday. Our Centre will close a week later than Kindergarten.
- Yes. If you child were to complete the whole programme; the deposit will be used to pay for November school fee.
- Yes. when one calendar month advance notice is given; it will be used to offset the last month school fee.
- No. If there is NO or Last minute withdrawal notice.
Your child will participate in a wide variety of well-planned, developmentally appropriate activities. For example, a typical day will include an art experience, time to work with puzzles or toys that will encourage fine motor development, music activities, indoor/outdoor games and play, science experiments, and stories. The teacher will provide guidance and support during these activities.
Through our play-based programme, you child will acquire social skill, problem solving skill, and development of fine motor skills etc. Your child can learn how to think, solve problems and communicate.
Through activities such as Story Telling Time, Picture Talk, Music & Movement, your child will begin to use words that he or she has heard repeated. He or she will develop confidence in the use of many words and feel secure enough to try new words and use language to express himself or herself.
It is all right. Your child can wear a diaper while attending class. Remember to bring one extra diaper in case it gets soiled.
Yes. In fact we encourage you to stay with your child for the first few days. Once your child has settled into the new environment, the teacher will advise you whether you should stay longer.